O u r B l o g

In this section you can find the latest news about the cheese industry, suggested recipes for our cheeses and serving suggestions with wines.

Foodexpo 2017

Foodexpo 2017

Bliss Point has made its very first appearance at Foodexpo in Athens. Our red bar was always full of vivid



Ingredients: 1/2 clove of garlic 200ml ml Malagousa wine 250gr. Bliss Point Savory graviera grated 250gr. Bliss Point Siros island



Ingredients: 1 wild arugula 5 cherry tomatoes 1 tbsp raisins 2 dried figs 1 ablespoon; tomato jam 1 tbsp honey

12 ECR Hellas

12 ECR Hellas

The 12th ECR Hellas Conference in Athens was held with the utmost success, with the subject “Across to Growth”. The

S u b s c r i b e t o o u r N e w s l e t t e r

Stay tuned and up to date for all our news!